The Railway Village Concept


The site is approximately 15 acres and was formerly a CP Rail location. The past 6 years have been spent going through the process of Ministry of Environment approvals, testing, MOE Approval in Principle, remediation, and most recently MOE approval on the site.

We are in the process of completing the requests for an Amendment to the Community Plan and Rezoning application. Throughout the process we have and continue to engage the appropriate Environmental Engineering consultants, Civil Engineering firm, Geotechnical Engineers, planning consultants and others, all of whom are known to and are recognized by the City of Grand Forks.

The Concept and Our Vision

Our vision is to build a village which will become an integral part of Grand Forks for the future of our City and community. The concept in its current design configuration provides for 5 separate multi-family condominium residences providing about 100 residential units which could house various requirements of subsidized and affordable housing. We have ample parking.

Part of the development would include commercial space – current design provides about 11,000 square feet of commercial real estate units (CRU’s). That figure could be increased if greater demand can be ascertained.

A drawing of an intersection with cars and people.